2025/2026 University of Stellenbosch Application – Students with Disabilities

2025/2026 University of Stellenbosch Application – Students with Disabilities

The University is committed to assist students with disabilities who comply with the relevant academic requirements, to become fully fledged integrated members of the student community. Please remember to complete the Student Support Form with regards to your specific needs and send it along with your application to the University.

Where feasible and financially possible, the needs of students are catered for in order to make the campus accessible and student friendly. The University co-ordinates the interests of students with disabilities from the Disability Unit. For full particulars regarding the University’s policy on students with disabilities, and general information regarding accommodation, physical facilities, and support services which are available for students with disabilities, please contact:

Contact person: Dr. Marcia Lyner-Cleophas, Disability Unit, Centre for Student Counselling and Development, Student Affairs

Email: cleophas@sun.ac.za | Tel: 021 808 4707