Admission and re-admission rules (academic progression rules)
These academic progression rules are applicable to all undergraduate Unisa students, irrespective of when you commenced with your undergraduate studies at Unisa.
To be re-admitted to Unisa in 2025, please take note of the following:
First year of study
Pass at least 36 credits per year / over 2 consecutive semesters.
Exception: If you are a student following an alternative pathway / extended programme, please note that you must pass at least 24 credits per year / over 2 consecutive semesters.
From 2nd year of study
Pass at least 48 credits per year / over 2 consecutive semesters.
Admission declined
Failure to pass the required number of modules will result in you not being able to study further at undergraduate level. A student wishing to be re-admitted to Unisa after being excluded on the basis of poor performance in a qualification may only do so after providing proof of successful completion of a one-year certificate programme at NQF level 4, 5 or higher (with 48 credits) at another accredited institution or a Unisa short learning programme. In order to satisfy the requirements of this rule, the student must have completed at least 48 credits before an application for re-admission will be considered.
These progression rules are subject to the following exceptions:
- Students who are at the maximum time allowed and have less than 60 credits outstanding will be given 1 year to complete.
- Students with disabilities may apply to the Registrar for exemption from the above rules.
- Students on extended programmes may apply to the Registrar for an additional year to complete the required number of credits.
- Students who decide not to register for a consecutive academic year must apply for a deferment; the academic year will then not be taken into consideration in calculating the number of years.
- Students who are excluded on grounds of poor academic performance have the right to appeal the decision through the Registrar.