Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School Application 2025/2026

Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School Application 2025/2026

How to Register / Apply:

Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School offers online registrations and you can click here to Register Online.

Application Procedures

An Application Letter has to be written, posted or emailed request to study at the Campus. If you are successful, an Interview Date will be set with a cost of R500, which is non-refundable.

Required Documentation

You would need to have a Matric Certificate and an Identity Document.

Additional Fees

R 130.00 for replacement of lost Identification Card R 110.00 for registration with South African Nursing Council as a Student R 220.00 per paper South African Nursing Council Exam Fee.

Bursary Learners

Learners sponsored by companies are required to produce a letter from the company stating the amount and the date payment will be issued to Chatsmed Candlelight Nursing School.

Contact Details:

Physical Address: 82 Khuzimpi Shezi Street, (formerly Williams Road), Dalbridge, Durban, 4000

Tel: 031 307 4859 / 031 301 0010 Cell No: 076 041 6590

