Empilweni Education

Empilweni Education is committed to providing quality nursing education and training. We strive to adhere to the universal declaration of human rights.We maintain values such as professionalism, ethics, competency, honesty, integrity, social justice and transparency.The upliftment of the South African health profile is an integral part of our curriculum.
Empilweni Education is committed to an environment of lifelong teaching and learning and we encourage activities that promote research and development. Our outcome-based curricula safeguards the standard of nursing educationWe strive for commitment and responsibility to both society and the profession.
Empilweni Education believes that nursing is a unique integration of knowledge and skills and requires critical thinking, decision making and problem solving.Empilweni Education provides a caring environment in which students are free to explore and develop personally, professionally and intellectually. Our staff are equipped to serve as educators, mentors and role models,.Empilweni Education’s core values include:•INTEGRITY and the highest ethical standards•MUTUAL RESPECT and trust in our working relationships•INNOVATION and encouragement to challenge the status quo•COMMUNICATION that is open, consistent and two-way•TEAMWORK and meeting our commitments to one another•CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT with a holistic approach through development and lifelong learning•DIVERSITY of human capital (staff and learners)•PERFORMANCE with recognition of results
To equip learners with the relevant knowledge and skills to obtain the required qualification, through which s/he will attend to the individual, the family and the community, acting within the scope of practice as prescribedTo create a learning environment and provide adequate teaching facilities and trained staff.

Empilweni Education is in the process of being accredited for the new nursing qualifications as set out in the Nursing Act 33 of 2005.Our current status •Provisional endorsement letter from SANC•Awaiting SANC site visit and accreditation certificate •Council of Higher Education (CHE) – accreditation approval•Department of Higher Education and Training – approved as a Private Higher Education Institution•Support letter to do Nurses Training in Gauteng•Empilweni Education is pegged on the SAQA website
Application requirements
•National senior certificate•An equivalent level 4 qualification•Successful completion of 2 developmental skills programmes•Computer literacy, english communication and mathematical literacy•Nursing Science (anatomy and physiology, basic health issues)