Gandhi – Mandela Nursing Academy
The academy has proved to be an invaluable investment and growth, considering that this centre of excellence has provided the Group with a quality supply of nurses, and overall the quality of patient care has improved significantly.
Our Vision
To create an opportunity of high-class education for all that are keen to obtain a professional qualification and to upgrade their current knowledge and skills. The Gandhi Mandela Nursing Academy is striving towards being a leading private health care educational institution in KZN through achieving a high standard of excellence.
Our Philosophy
The Gandhi Mandela Nursing Academy believes that each learner is a unique physiological, psychological, spiritual and cultural human being. The Academy also believes that education is based in the development of each learner’s potential in order to provide competent and efficient healthcare practitioners.
The Gandhi Mandela Nursing Academy further holds that the planning and implementation of programmes should meet the needs of the community it serves. The Academy also believes that the educator leads the learner to independent functioning
Joint Medical Holdings Ltd. (JMH) is a progressive healthcare organisation where our professionals are committed to providing state of the art healthcare to all patients.
Launched by a group of visionary medical practitioners, led by the chairman, Dr Ramesh Bhoola, the JMH group of hospitals and medical centres is a leading, predominantly black-owned independent hospital group with a track record for service excellence and delivery in performance, state-of-the-art health care for all our patients.
The JMH Group is also committed to adding value to our shareholders, and exercising our social and environmental responsibilities, within the framework and budget of top class customer service.
Against this background, the JMH Group is committed to the following milestones:
- The management and staff have pledged to provide you with quality service every day, everywhere and in everything they do.
- To deliver exceptional service to all our patients.
- To solicit higher levels of loyalty from doctors while improving our facilities.
The JMH Group respects the dignity of individuals, particularly the right to life, and ongoing commitment to providing quality health care in an efficient manner with courtesy. With a myriad of health care options in the marketplace, patients and clients have access to a private health-care group that is accessible, reliable and affordable, and at all times offering professional service.
This prestigious hospital group provides employment to more than 1300 people from diverse and previously disadvantaged backgrounds, reflecting the demography of a new, non-racial democracy.