NWU Online Registration
First-year students
E-mail addresses
During the online registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address for correspondence from the University. You may use any e-mail address of your choosing when you register for the first time.
Registration information
Senior students (undergraduate and honours)
E-mail addresses
During the online registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address for correspondence from the University. You are encouraged to supply your NWU Gmail email address. Your NWU Gmail email address is: studentnumber@student.g.nwu.ac.za (e.g. 12345678@student.g.nwu.ac.za)
Click here to find out how to use your NWU Gmail email address and where to find help.
Registration information
Masters and doctoral students
E-mail addresses
During the online registration process, you will be asked to provide your email address for correspondence from the University. You are encouraged to supply your NWU Gmail email address. Your NWU Gmail email address is:studentnumber@student.g.nwu.ac.za (e.g. 12345678@student.g.nwu.ac.za)
Click here to find out how to use your NWU Gmail email address and where to find help.
Registration information
How to register for master’s-degree and doctoral studies