NWU Theology Requirements

Admission requirements

Please note that the below admission requirements are subject to change pending selection and possible faculty-specific requirements.

Study information is subject to change and is a summary of the general fields of study. This information was compiled for introduction and orientation purposes and the North-West University accepts no liability for inaccuracies that may occur in this guide. The official yearbook of the University must in all cases be consulted during the process of compiling a programme for a specific field of study. The appropriate yearbook is available on request at: studies@mynwu.info / 018 285 4320 / applicationsug@nwu.ac.za.

Please note that, owing to specific capacity constraints, the University reserves the right to select candidates for admission to certain fields of study. This means that prospective students who comply with the minimum requirements will not automatically be admitted to the courses in question. Because of the capacity limitations and the high demand from students for admission to particular fields of study, students will be selected on the basis of their Grade 12 results for admission to these fields.

Visit the Faculty of Theology 

DegreeFieldRequirementsAPSCampusPossible Career Opportunities
Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Languages (BA)with Translation Studieswith Classical Studieswith Ancient Near Eastern StudiesNS(C) or NC(V) for degree studies, or with full matriculation exemptionEnglish level 4 DURATION: 3 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Contact24Potchefstroom Bible ArchaeologistJournalistEducation (overseas)AuthorTranslator
Bachelor of Arts in Pastoral Psychology (BA) NS(C) or NC(V) for degree studies, or with full matriculation exemptionEnglish level 4 DURATION: 3 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Contact24Mahikeng Vanderbijlpark  Pastoral CounsellorTeacherNon-Government OrganisationsTent making ministries
Bachelor of Divinity  (BDiv) NS(C) or NC(V) for degree studies, or with full matriculation exemptionEnglish level 4 DURATION: 4 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Potch=Contact; *Distance learning24Potchefstroom*Distance learningMinister in the Reformed Churches in South AfricaMinister in the Hervormde KerkMinister in the Dutch Reformed Church
Bachelor of Theology (BTh)with Bible and Church Ministrywith Pastoral Counselling and Psychologywith Bible Languages and Bible TranslationNS(C) or NC(V) for degree studies, or with full matriculation exemptionEnglish level 4 DURATION: 3 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Contact24Potchefstroom EvangelistPastor in a Charismatic ChurchPastor in the AFMMissionary / Mission WorkerPastoral CounsellorBible Translator
Bachelor of Theology in Christian Ministry (BTh in Christian Ministry) NS(C) or NC(V) for degree studies, or with full matriculation exemptionEnglish level 4 DURATION: 3 yearsMODE OF DELIVERY: Mahikeng=Contact; *Distance learning24Mahikeng*Distance learningMissionaryMission Worker

*For distance learning visit distance.nwu.ac.za

HEQSF alignment

All universities in South Africa were obligated by law to take part in a National Project driven by the regulatory bodies (Department of Higher Education an Training (DHET), the Council on Higher Education (CHE) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA), to align all qualifications with the Higher Education Qualification Sub Framework (HEQSF). The NWU is thus currently in an ongoing process of aligning our qualification and programme offering with the requirements of  the HEQSF.

Prospective students must take notice of the fact that NWU qualification names, programme names as well as the composition of curricula may change due to the HEQSF Project, prior to registration for the 2025 academic year. 
Successful candidates are advised to contact the relevant faculty in order to ensure that they register for the correct qualification, programme and /or curriculum.