University of Stellenbosch Admission Requirements

To study at Stellenbosch University you are required to:
- South Afircan school system: Have obtained a National Senior Certificate (NSC) as certified by Umalusi with admission to Bachelor’s degree studies, which means that you must obtain a mark of at least 50% in each of four school subjects from the list of university admission subjects: Accounting, Agricultural Sciences, Business Studies, Consumer Studies, Dramatic Arts, Economics, Engineering Graphics and Design, Geography, History, Information Technology, Languages (one language of learning and teaching at a higher education institution and two other recognised language subjects), Life Sciences, Mathematics, Mathematical Literacy, Music, Physical Sciences, Religion Studies and Visual Arts
- International school system: Final school results from International Curriculum (Cambridge International, International Baccalaureate, etc.), including School of Tomorrow
- Have written the National Benchmark Tests (NBTs). Please note that when you apply for a programme in the faculty of Law and of Medicine and Health Sciences, the NBT’s need to be written before 30 June if you want to be considered for selection.
- Also meet further requirements specific to the programme(s) of your choice as set out in the programme outlines under the various faculties
Click here to download the Minimum Admission Requirements for 2025-intake
Faculty selection guidelines
Large numbers of prospective students apply for our programmes. Unfortunately we can accept only a limited number of students. Even though you may meet the admission requirements of a programme, you are not guaranteed admission to the programme of your choice.
The faculty selection guidelines for the 2025-intake will be uploaded soon.
For further inquiries, please contact our Client Service Centre
Tel.: 021 808 9111
National Benschmark Test (NBT)
For university admission, a prospective student is required to be in possession of a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or school-leaving certificate from the Independent Examination Board (IEB) as certified by Umalusi, with admission to bachelor’s degree studies (which requires a performance level of at least 4 (50-59%) in each of four designated university admission subjects), or an exemption certificate issued by the South African Matriculation Board to students with other school qualifications
In addition to the above, admission to programmes leading to BScAgric*, BScFor*, BScConsEcol, BSc Food Sc and BAgricAdmin requires at minimum:
- An average performance level of 60% in the NSC or the IEB’s school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation), or other school qualification;
- Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%);
- Mathematics 5 (60%);
- Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%)
*For BScAgric with Soil Science and Chemistry as major subjects:
- An average performance level of 60% in the NSC or the IEB’s school-leaving certificate (excluding Life Orientation), or other school qualification;
- Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%)
- Mathematics 6 (70%)
- Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%)
In addition to the general admission requirements of SU, admission to the programme leading to BAgric (Elsenburg) requires at minimum:
- Afrikaans or English (Home Language or First Additional Language) 4 (50%);
- Mathematics 4 (50%) or Mathematical Literacy 5 (60%);
- Physical Sciences (Physics and Chemistry) 4 (50%); OR
- Life Sciences 4 (50%); OR
- Agricultural Sciences 4 (50%).
The prospective student is also required to take the National Benchmark Tests (NBT), including the Mathematics component (MAT) of the tests.